
Mini bananas Premiata

Country of origin Ecuador
Box type mini
Fruit age min. 4 weeks - max. 5 weeks.
Storage and transportation conditions 13.8 °С, humidity from 70 to 90%
Variety Musa Acuminata AA
Class 1
Min. fruit length 10 cm
Caliber 32-35 mm
Net weight 5.1 kg

Levexport offers bananas from Ecuador, a country known for the best quality of this fruit. Our plantations are located in the best climatic zones of Ecuador, such as Lamana, Naranjal, Machala. Areas of high banana production with excellent climate and very fertile soil allow us to keep the use of chemical fertilizers to a minimum, delivering organic bananas to our customers. Direct communication between the plantation and the end customer. Experience and high standards of work, allowing you to organize the supply chain. A professional, multidisciplinary and dedicated team to meet the required time. High quality transport. Excellent customer service. All of this is included in this box.

LEVEXPORT also offers the following brands: Premiata, Absolute, Salamat